
tDOT Pool

tDOT is powered by the Taiga protocol. It is a better way to hold DOT. It has the stability of native DOT, with the yield of LDOT. By providing assets to mint tDOT, you will earn yield from LDOT and protocol fees. Read more here.

In Euphrates, LCDOT holders have the option to stake their tokens in the tDOT pool. Here's how it works:

  • Before Acala Crowdloan Unlocks: LCDOT is staked into the pool, and users start receiving rewards immediately

  • Upon Crowdloan Unlock: LCDOT is automatically claimed into DOT and then used to mint tDOT to start earning DOT staking yield, protocol fees, and additional rewards in ACA and TAI.

In Euphrates, DOT holders can stake DOT into the tDOT pool where DOT will be minted into tDOT to earn staking yield, protocol fees, wrapped (into wtDOT for DeFi interoperability) and deposit into Euphrates tDOT pool for additional rewards in ACA and TAI.

The unstake process consists of two steps:

1. Unstaking from Euphrates tDOT pool as wtDOT 2. Unwrapping into the final tDOT


LDOT is Acala Liquid Staking DOT, non-custodial liquid staking token, where users stake DOT and receive LDOT token that represents the principle staked asset plus the staking yield continuously accruing. LDOT provides a fast redeem function for users to receive DOT/KSM liquidity faster than the normal unbounding period upon unstaking. Read more here.

In Euphrates, LCDOT holders have the option to stake their tokens in the LDOT pool. Here's how it works:

  • Before Acala Crowdloan Unlocks: LCDOT is staked into the pool, and users start receiving rewards immediately

  • Upon Crowdloan Unlock: LCDOT is automatically claimed into DOT and then converted to LDOT. This process allows users to begin earning DOT staking yield and additional rewards in ACA, ensuring they don't miss out on a single day of staking rewards.

In Euphrates, DOT holders can stake DOT into the LDOT pool where DOT will be staked and receive LDOT to earn staking yield and additional rewards in ACA.

Last updated